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Listen a Minute – Night

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I like the night. It’s an interesting time of the day. The city changes at night. I like all the bright lights. People seem to be more active. Everyone is rushing home or going out. All the action starts at night. Restaurants, bars and clubs open. Everyone is happy. Night means we can stop working or studying and enjoy ourselves. It’s cooler at night so you feel more relaxed.

at night – w nocy (zwróćmy uwagę na brak przedimków a/the)

bright – jasny

seem – wydawać się

rush home – spieszyć się do domu

Of course, the city at night is very different from the country. All you can do in the country is look at the night sky or sit around a fire. Everything stops at night in the country and people sleep very early. Except for insects. Night time can be very noisy because of the insects that come out at night.

in the country – na wsi

a fire – ognisko

except for – z wyjątkiem, oprócz

insects – owady

I’m a night person. I’m nocturnal, like an owl or bat.

nocturnal – nocny

owl – sowa

bat – nietoperz

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