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Listen a Minute – Youth

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People complain a lot about youth, about young people. I think they have for the past 60 years or so. I don't think youth was much of an issue a hundred years ago. Then, young people were just young people. They respected older people, did what they were told and didn't create trouble. Today, however, the word 'youth' often makes us think of badly behaved teenagers.

youth – młodzież

complain – narzekać

much of an issue – jakiś większy problem

respect – szanować

did what they were told – robili, co im kazano

badly behaved – źle zachowujący się

I think it all started with rock and roll. Suddenly young people decided they wanted more independence and could do what they wanted. They rebelled against society. A whole youth culture developed, with youth fashion, youth clubs and music. Today, we have things like youth crime. It would be nice if youth could have a more positive image.

independence – niezależność

rebel – buntować się

develop – rozwijać się

youth crime – przestępczość młodocianych/nieletnich

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