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Słuchaj i ucz się – S-23. Little Children Are Sacred

Wersja do druku

Voice 1

sacred - święty

Hello I'm Marina Santee.


Voice 2


And I'm Ruby Jones. Welcome to Spotlight. This programme uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.


Voice 3


How can we live today when someone stole yesterday?

steal, stole, stolen - ukraść

Voice 1


The heart cry of Australia's indigenous people. These are the people who lived on Australian land long before Europeans discovered it. Behind the beauty of the desert land is a story of great pain and injustice. Our programme 'Kanyini' told some of the land's history. Today, we look at the present and the future of the indigenous people.

heart cry - płacz serca

indigenous people - rdzenni mieszkańcy

pain and injustice - ból i niesprawiedliwość

Voice 2


The year 2007 is the tenth anniversary of the 'Bringing them Home' report. This report was published in 1997. It investigated the separation of indigenous children from their families. Earlier Australian governments had taken children from their homes and land. The report confirmed that many thousands of children had been separated from their parents. The report resulted in huge interest. And it stated that many of the indigenous people's problems today began with these bad policies of the past.

anniversary - rocznica

publish - publikować

investigate - badać

separation - separacja, oddzielenie

confirm - potwierdzać

resulted in huge interest - wywołał ogromne zainteresowanie

state - stwierdzać

policy - polityka, taktyka

Voice 1


Today, many of these indigenous people suffer from a loss of identity. They seem caught between two very different ways of life. The effects of this are terrible. Australian indigenous communities have higher rates of unemployment. There is more alcohol and drug abuse. And there is family violence. Reports estimate that alcohol causes the death of an aboriginal adult every thirty eight hours. Indigenous people are a disadvantaged minority in society.

loss of identity - utrata tożsamości

seem - wydawać się

catch, caught, caught - złapać

rate of unemployment - stopa bezrobocia

drug abuse - narkomania

family violence - przemoc w rodzinie

estimate - szacować, oceniać

disadvantaged minority - społecznie upośledzona mniejszość

Voice 2


In June 2007, Aborigine communities came into the public eye again. This time it was because of another report, called 'Little Children are Sacred.' This report is the result of an investigation by the Northern Territory state government. It investigated claims that people are sexually abusing children in the indigenous community

claim - twierdzenie

sexually abuse - wykorzystywać seksualnie

Voice 1


Pat Anderson is a health specialist among indigenous people. She is one of the writers of the report. She said,


Voice 4


'Spiritually, socially, mentally - there is a total breakdown in families. People are drunk from alcohol most of the time... The children are not safe.'

spiritually - duchowo

breakdown - rozpad

Voice 2


The report states that sexual abuse is serious and widespread. It also states clearly that abuse does not only happen in indigenous communities. But the 'Sacred Children' Report is about the indigenous communities in Australia. Children here are at high risk of abuse because of the social problems in these communities.

widespread - szeroko rozpowszechniony

at high risk - poważnie zagrożony

Voice 1


Here is one tragic example from the report. It is about a young boy.


HG was born in a far out community. When HG was twelve years old, an older man raped him. He forced the young boy into an unnatural sex act - twice. HG was ashamed and embarrassed. So he did not report it at the time.

rape - zgwałcić; gwałt

unnatural sex act - wymuszony stosunek płciowy

ashamed - zawstydzony

embarrassed - zażenowany

HG did not tell anyone until 2006 - over thirty years later. At that time, he was seeking release from prison. He was in prison because he himself was a dangerous sex offender. His crime? Rape. HG, now an adult, had attacked an eight year old boy. This boy was called ZH.

seek release from prison - starać się o zwolnienie z więzienia

sex offender - przestępca na tle seksualnym

Seven years later, ZH raped a five year old boy. But this boy spoke out. 'HG raped me!' he said.

speak out - odważyć się powiedzieć

Who will ensure that in years to come this little boy will not rape someone? Who will help prevent him repeating this act of violence?

ensure - zapewnić, dopilnować

in years to come - w następnych latach

prevent - powstrzymać

It is time to do something.


Voice 2


The big question is, 'what?' What should and what can people do? The report gives some clear suggestions. It states that one key element is education. And this means education of all kinds - not just within schools. Education on social and sexual matters should be a central part of families and communities.

key element - kluczowy element

this means - to oznacza

matters - sprawy

Voice 1


The report discusses all the issues affecting indigenous people. These include family breakdowns, housing shortages, lack of jobs, alcohol and drug abuse. People must address all these problems. The report says that all these matters relate to the issue of child abuse.

issues affecting - kwestie dotyczące

shortage - brak, niedobór

address the problems - zająć się problemami

Voice 2


The report also confirms the importance of the government's work. It must lead the way in helping to protect children. But any government efforts must work with indigenous people. History shows that forcing communities to accept government policies creates problems. It does not solve them.

confirm - potwierdzać

The report says that discussion with indigenous people is an important key to success. Local communities must own any projects in their area. Projects must attack the deep problems of child abuse. And the self-respect of the indigenous people must be returned.

self-respect - szacunek dla samego siebie

Voice 1


The Australian Prime Minister, John Howard, declared the state of the indigenous people as a 'national emergency.' He says that the breakdown in law and order is a major factor in the child abuse problem.

the Prime Minister - premier

state - stan, sytuacja

national emergency - narodowy stan wyjątkowy

breakdown in law and order - upadek praworządność

Voice 5


'A lack of effective policing has been at the heart of it. Until law and order has been established... we are not going to make progress on things like health checks and school attendance...'

lack - brak

effective policing - skuteczne utrzymywanie porządku

establish - ustanowić

has been at the heart - leży u podstaw

health checks - badania lekarskie

school attendance - obecność w szkole

Voice 2


So the government has decided to establish law and order. The federal government has made a list of the 'worst' indigenous community areas. It has sent police into these places. One of their target areas is Mutitjulu. This community is close to Uluru. People have made serious claims about behaviour in this community.


The government has decided to enforce law and order. But this is frightening the Mutitjulu people. One local person said,

enforce law and order - wymuszać przestrzeganie prawa

Voice 6


'The government is frightening the women and children. They think the army and police are coming to take their children away.'


Voice 1


Local women fear the government is simply using the issue of child abuse. They believe it is an excuse to bring in the police and army to their communities. They fear the government secretly plans to take away their land and their rights. But Mal Brough says that there is no need for concern. He is the indigenous affairs minister. He says the government only wants to help protect the children. Brough says that people need the police in their communities. They can then report any problems directly to the police.

excuse - wymówka

there is no need for concern - nie ma powodu do obaw

affairs - sprawy

Voice 2


Only time will show if the new government policies have any positive effect. The Sacred Children report suggests that it will take years of work to bring change. And this is with the kind of work the report proposes - communities and government working together. In many people's minds, this is the only way that real change will ever come. And it is the only way to give the children back what is theirs. They have the right to a future without abuse. They have a right to be pure, and innocent - sacred. They have a right to be children.

pure - czysty

innocent - niewinny

The writer and producer of today's programme was Marina Santee. All the quotes in this programme were adapted for radio. You can hear this programme again on our website at This programme is called, 'Little Children are Sacred.'


Voice 1


Thank you for joining us today. Until next time, goodbye.


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